DigitSec S4 CLI is a fully functioning utility to interact with the DigitSec system. The CLI makes it easy to build into CI/CD pipelines by providing an easy to use command line interface. The detailed help of the DigitSec CLI are as follows:
For example:
./s4 -user 'user@domain.com' -pass 'secret' -file 'path_to_zip' -orgid 'id_of_saved_s4_org'
1. -user is the username of your S4 account
2. -pass is the api key or password of your S4 account
3. -file is the fully qualified path of your source code in zip format
4. -orgid is the orgid against which you want to initiate the scan
{Optional} 5. -org is the to add, list or search orgs. For example: -org add "name_of_org", -org list, -org search "search_string"
{Optional} 6. -format is the format of output. The value can be pdf or json. Default is json.
{Optional} 7. -s4url is the url where s4 server is running. Default value is: https://s4.digitsec.com
For additional help and support, drop us a line at support@digitsec.com